Which age group do you fit into?

Friday, 22 October 2010

Analysis of Grimsby Institute magazine

This front cover works well in my opinion because it looks modern, its colours stand out and the image relates to college attenders with the non-uniform pictures. The colour scheme also works well in places because all the block colours look good together as well as being eye catching but the text on the bottom half of the screen isn't that clear and could have been made clearer by using a better contasting font. Also, on this magazine their is no price, date or barcode and the taken photo used on the front page doesn't fit the cartoon effect image for the background that the student used making it look a bit out of place. I think the bannerhead space is used effectively with the website address because it immediately catches the eye and contains information of how to access the college website. The magazine name also works well because it's big enough to clearly see but doesn't look too big. The grey patches in between the letters of the title don't look very good in my opinion because i don't think they need to be there to make an impact and they look a bit random. The slogan used on most pages of this magazine is very clever and used to good effect. 'The word on the street' ties in with the clothes the man on the front page is wearing due to the stereotype of people with caps and baggy clothes which i think is very cleverly used to relate to everyone and makes it sound like this magazine has all the gossip from everywhere in the magazine to interest everyone on the street which is all college attenders. The ideas behind this magazine are clear from the front cover and run through to the contents page because everything is bright, eye-catching and the cartoon effect is appealing to kids which draws their attention to the magazine which informs them on the contents page and banner head of contact info if needed. This colour scheme and cartoon effect represents a modern college which I'm sure most teenagers would like to be at when there's a lot going on like in this magazine.

This contents page looks good but doesn't keep the house style of the front page like the East riding magazine does. The pictures used in this contents page don't seem relevant because we are not told what they are showing us or what story their from. However the text is all multi-coloured and stands out well and is easy to read. However, at the bottom of the page there is another random square block of colour which doesn't symbolise or mean anything, I just think it was used to fill more space. There is also a blue line down the middle of the contents page which clearly should have been edited out before using it for the contents page because it draws my eye instantly towards it which is an area which next time could be improved. Overall I think this is a good magazine cover and contents page because it would appeal to me and definitely meets the criteria set. The target audience for this magazine appears to be mainly towards the students because of the slogan which we instantly relate to teenagers but will also interest anyone to do with the college just like the Eat riding magazine did.

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