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Thursday, 16 December 2010

Analysis of magazine


 Front cover:

Language- The image used on the front page of this magazine is a close up which has the denotation of John Lennon smoking whilst looking directly at the camera. This close up image needs no background or setting as John Lennon is known worldwide as an iconic figure of the 60's from The Beatles. The close up image of Lennon allows this photo to sum up people's attitudes in the 60's when he influenced everyone around him. It also uses him to represent the era he is from because to this day he is known globally. With John Lennon being such a powerful character especially for a front page the layout is simple with little text and draws no attention away from the image of him. This image makes people want to pick up this magazine because people know about him being an activist as well as a singer/songwriter. When people are as famous as he is they want to know more about the artist to be able to gain knowledge of him, the era he's from and the music he so heavily influenced. The photo is also in black and white which shows he is dead via the connotations of the colour black and white with the strap line to his headline in red to connote blood which is also associated to death which tells the reader he is dead and that the magazine pays tribute to him and looks back at him. Its also in black and white to show that this is a past photo back when colour cameras where not around. The black and white colour of the photo is used throughout the magazine to create a house-style similar to a newspaper which appeals to its target audience. The masthead and sell lines in the '+' section add to the idea of the magazine being organised and constructed around the main image with text placed to fit any gaps around the photo.The bar code and masthead aren't instantly recognisable as they are tucked away in the corners in colours which blend into the John Lennon photo. The colour of the masthead and page border link into the idea of a 30th anniversary which has a silver colour scheme which further links to the 30th anniversary of Lennon's death shown in the sell line and slogan colour in the magazine.

Institution- The IPC media company produce the NME magazine on a weekly basis costing £2.30. They are a well known publication company. Their websites in total reach 14 million+  users every month.two thirds of women in the UK alone read a media print from the IPC media company and 42% of men in the UK totalling almost 26 million adults in the UK. The IPC was set up in 1965.  

Ideology & Audience- This magazine targets mainly male readers with 74% of it's reader's being male who all believe this magazine is factual and keeps them in touch with the music which they love. Surveys have shown that this magazines audience watch a lot of films, have mobiles which perhaps means this magazine is to keep them updated with music as thye lead busy lifestyles and this magazine is their only way of staying in touch with what they love (music). This magazine was produced to inform readers of what is happening in the music world and to give them some history lessons within music to give them more knowledge week by week of their main passion. This is down to their 'Honest no-holds barred reviews' which represent the featured artists in a way which the audience can relate to.

Representation- This image represents the era of music which John Lennon was from when everyone used to smoke because awareness of smoking's harmful effects was very low and in this hippy era when no one cared and had no regards for what happened next in life and took life in their stride which is shown here with John Lennon looking at the camera as though he's not bothered what people think or say.

 Contents page:

Language- All the pictures in this contents page are some form of close up except the John Lennon related one which shows a long shot of his followers. This helps convey emotion in the picture expressed by the band/artist. All the font on this page is in black and the background is white which is a simple layout with all the stories having a cover line with a quote underneath them to help attract readers to the stories to help them instantly get a feel for the story. All the font styles are plain and easy to understand with no fancy flicks. The only time this institution deviate away from this all plain layout is a few italic cover lines which draw more attention to them as they look different to the rest of the page. The head of the page is also simple and has the look of a newspaper the way it is laid out. This layout gives people the idea it is for review loving people as they are generally thought to be the ones who buy newspapers and enjoy the content rather than extravagant colours and fonts. Each different story on this page has it's own box to separate them from one another. The only other convention used on this page is  a puff to promote the magazine which you are reading to try and get reader's to subscribe.

Institution- The IPC media company produce the NME magazine on a weekly basis costing £2.30. They are a well known publication company. Their websites in total reach 14 million+  users every month.two thirds of women in the UK alone read a media print from the IPC media company and 42% of men in the UK totalling almost 26 million adults in the UK. The IPC was set up in 1965.  

Ideology & Audience- This magazine targets mainly male readers with 74% of it's reader's being male who all believe this magazine is factual and keeps them in touch with the music which they love. Surveys have shown that this magazines audience watch a lot of films, have mobiles which perhaps means this magazine is to keep them updated with music as they lead busy lifestyles and this magazine is their only way of staying in touch with what they love (music). This magazine was produced to inform readers of what is happening in the music world and to give them some history lessons within music to give them more knowledge week by week of their main passion. This is down to their 'Honest no-holds barred reviews' which represent the featured artists in a way which the audience can relate to.

Representation - All the pictures show how the people shown in this magazine really are and show the different sides to music and how it affects people in different ways. This representation helps the audience to relate to the people on the magazine because it shows them on and off stage. All these photos also tie in with what their target audience expect from their magazine which is honest and factual information therefore they represent all the artists as un-biastly as they can.

Double page spread:

Language- This main photo (right) is of a young artist in a mid shot. It's in colour to show it's recent and up to date to give readers the impression they are getting knowledge of past and present artists to keep up with the music industry. The smaller picture on the left hand side of this double page spread is of the featured artist with her family who all also happen to be famous. This picture shows her family although all famous to have not lost their family spirit as they are all smiling and look like they are having a good time. This represents music on a whole to be welcomed by all ages, races and genders. This photo is also in colour to show the reality of this situation and show their family in a positive light. The immediate connotation of a red carpet is fame and spotlight which shows how music artists live their life whether a family or not because they all come under the same spotlight. This image is a long shot where the featured artists family are all in focus to show equal importance. The text on this double page spread is very similar to what you would expect to see in a newspaper with all black and white font except the gold part of the heading which gives the reader the idea of wealth now she's become famous as the world today revolves around money and wealth to separate classes of people. The style of the article is also very similar to that of a newspaper because it introduces the story then gives you the background before interviewing the artist and then giving their interpretation of their answers after every question and answer. The head to the story is in bold with a sense of street slang to give the idea of what kind of music she in involved with. The word 'FRESH' on the streets means new and original as well as being a good singer in this case. It helps us readers relate to modern slang and understand the featured artist. This page also contains a quote form the artist which sums up the story called a strap line and draws readers to the story. This is in a black circle in between the main body of the text to catch more attention. NME also include a gold strip with a mini questions and answers section to really get the reader involved with the featured artist by telling us their favourite things which help us relate to her by thinking we know about a big music star.

Institution- The IPC media company produce the NME magazine on a weekly basis costing £2.30. They are a well known publication company. Their websites in total reach 14 million+  users every month.two thirds of women in the UK alone read a media print from the IPC media company and 42% of men in the UK totalling almost 26 million adults in the UK. The IPC was set up in 1965.  

Ideology & Audience- This magazine targets mainly male readers with 74% of it's reader's being male who all believe this magazine is factual and keeps them in touch with the music which they love. Surveys have shown that this magazines audience watch a lot of films, have mobiles which perhaps means this magazine is to keep them updated with music as they lead busy lifestyles and this magazine is their only way of staying in touch with what they love (music). This magazine was produced to inform readers of what is happening in the music world and to give them some history lessons within music to give them more knowledge week by week of their main passion. This is down to their 'Honest no-holds barred reviews' which represent the featured artists in a way which the audience can relate to.

Representation-The featured artist is in focus to show she is the main person on the street whereas the fans in the background are out of focus to show they aren't as important and aren't the focus of this article. However, the denotation of this picture is that the artist is walking the streets the same as you and I which shows she doesn't think she is above her fans and hasn't let fame take over her personality. The featured artist is also wearing a 'different' type of clothing to what you would expect a new music star to be wearing which represents the kind of clothing style someone like Lady Gaga would wear who is an individual kind of person recognised for her individuality in clothing preferences. This is different to the normal expectation of a pop star who wears designer, fashionable clothing to endorse brands.

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